Levels of Urgency that we can provide:

You can specify how urgent your job is at the outset or upgrade / downgrade an existing job as your requirements change.
- Standard: This is the least expensive option. Your job gets allocated according to daily requirements and pressures. The Standard Job turnaround time changes depending on how busy we are. The front desk can advise of the current mean turnaround time. (Generally varies between 3 and 6 working days). Do keep in mind that this is a MEAN time and that individual jobs can take less (or a LOT more if parts are required and not available).
- Urgent: (+$64) The official position is that Urgent jobs will be STARTED within 8 working hours (or within 24 hours of arrival). In practice, it comes down to next available technician. This is usually faster than 8 working hours. Please, keep in mind that this is the STARTING time. Of course - once started - we keep going (unless parts are required). There is a flat fee of $64 to cover the time incurred in reallocating current pending jobs.
- Immediate: ($144/h) An immediate job is started as soon as received. We drop whatever we are doing in order to work on your device. Only a limited number of Immediate Jobs can be undertaken at any one time and the Service Manager has to authorise it (so as to maintain efficiency as well as be fair to other clients).