Data Recovery for the rest of us :-)

Our philosophy: It is much better to have more happy customers that would gladly recommend us than a small number that might come to us begrudgingly. The financial result is the same for us (and much better for the client) but the satisfaction level is way higher for both sides :-)
We try really hard to keep our prices affordable:
Our origins were based in the Apple Macintosh computer. "The computer for the rest of us". Unfortunately, its price wasn't affordable to many of "the rest of us". Nearly 30 years ago..
So, we designed and manufactured our products to keep them affordable. We priced our services to keep them affordable. And because it hardly ever cost us anything, we doubled the warranty for free. Retrospectively!
Net result: we were awarded two Macworld Awards for our products. (In addition to a number of other gongs..) More importantly, they were voted in by the readers of the magazine! (Not the advertising manager ;-) We are still proud of these!